The Brief
Because of a NDA I can’t use the original name of the project.
Insurance App is an inhouse web tool used for creating, editing and filling forms for insurance requests, claims and other transactions. The main purpose of the project was to have a start tool to digitalize this paper forms with ease. For this a site administrator would create all the questions necessary for the form this could be: open, true of false, numeric, select an answer from a list, select multiple answers from a list and others then the admin must create the required answers for each question.
Once all the questions are up the admin has to create block of questions, name them and assign the needed questions for the block for example a Basic Information block with have question like: name, last name, email, phone number, etc. Then a form is created and the required block for this form are linked to it.
Finally, the answer to each question, for instance if its true or if the numeric is within a range or if the choice selected is B to mention a few examples, could be connected to one or many rules also created by the admin as stated this rule could be related to a specific answer or a range or a like search string and using Boolean Algebra the system would determine if certain questions, blocks answers or rules should appear/apply under some circumstances while filling the form.
As a last example think of the question Do you suffer from diabetes? If the answer is positive a whole block of diabetic questions is now needed but if the clients isn’t a diabetic then it’s a waste of time and paper. For multiple rules, it follows the “or” and “and” operator rules to determine the result, for instance a High-Risk block might be needed but only (if the client both practices extreme sports and owns a gun) or if he is terminally ill. This rule sets can be simple or complicated as needed by the form.
The project used a backend website for the creation and maintenance of forms and a frontend page for employees to fill the forms as required as well as creating pdf files for printing and archiving said forms and dumping information to excel files for data tracking. The programming team was composed by three developers including myself.
My role:
I had an active role in the entire development of both sites created using Ruby on Rails, some of the modules I worked on were:
· Database design.
· CRUD services and interfaces for the backend website.
· User Authentication.
· User role and permissions system.
· Custom UI elements.
· Http request module.
· Rule creation and logic design.
· Version management using GIT.